Channel - Blackboard LMS
Rensselaer has licensed Blackboard as its campus Learning Management System (LMS).
8/22/2022 7:39:01 PM

Channel Videos

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
3/18/2020 6:20:52 PM

How to setup LMS/WebEx Integration
Follow these step by step instructions on how to integrate LMS with Blackboard. Blackboard, the campus learning management system or LMS, now has Webex integration. You can work in Webex Teams, host Virtual Meetings and have Office Hours all from the LMS. To active this feature: Login to the LMS and go to the course you are teaching. On the Left Side menu hover over the + sign scroll to and click Tool Link. Add Name WebEx Click the dropdown arrow for Type, scroll to and click WebEx Click the checkbox to the left of Available to Users Click Submit. This will add WebEx to your menu at the bottom. Click the menu name WebEx At this point, the system is setting up your instance and after a short time you will be sent to the main Webex menu in the LMS. The first thing you need to do is select the features you want to use. There are three features you can access by checking the box next to their name. Classroom Collaboration - This provides access to Webex Teams. Virtual Meetings - This provides access to Webex Meetings. Office Hours - This provides you with access to a schedule whereby you can setup office hour meeting duration and how much time in between each you need to prep. After you have made your selections, press the Apply button on the right side. You now have those features enabled. You will now notice additional links at the top of the screen corresponding to the selections you made above. If you ever want to change your settings, click WebEx from the left-hand menu. At the top of the page there is a link labeled Setup, select it. You will be brought to the setup page where you can modify your selections.
Production & Video Services, MMS.CIO, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institutue
3/17/2020 1:15:57 PM

LMS Basics
This video is a quick introduction to get you up and running after your course LMS site has been created.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
3/13/2020 7:01:12 PM

LMS WebEx Tools - How to use Classroom Collaboration
Classroom Collaboration Organize students into project groups in seconds Work together on any device, anywhere, on or off-campus Everyone can chat, meet and share files securely Is this Tool for you? If you are going to do constant collaboration with less than 20 students, then use Classroom Collaboration and WebEx Teams. If you are lecturing to more than 20 students, use WebEx Events, which can be scheduled in your LMS course via Virtual Meetings. Classroom Collaboration IS NOT recommended as a method of lecturing large classes, as all students can comment and add content Instead, use WebEx Events/Virtual Meetings options for lecturing large classes If you are going to use Classroom Collaboration continue reading. If this is the first time you are enabling Classroom Collaboration: Create a Team - lets you organize multiple Spaces under a common theme (the course). You'll have a general Space for course discussion, to begin with, and you can create more Spaces as you need them. Students can also create their own Spaces for study groups. Everyone can see all of the created Spaces within a team and choose the ones they want to join. Create a Space - create one general Space that you can invite your students into. There isn't an option to create other Spaces, everything will take place in one general space. Unless you are certain one general space is all that is required, it is recommended to create a team and then have multiple spaces for different conversations that will take place around the course. Once you have your spaces going, it is easy to open up the menu of options where you can call a student, send a message, add people to a Space or search all the files that have been shared in the Spacel. Tip: If you ever need to send a direct message to a student, simply click the Members tab and select the student you are looking for. You are now able to have a 1:1 conversation with that student. Classroom Collaboration Overview Uses WebEx Teams application Will create a persistent workspace for course participants Built for collaboration, used across several platforms & devices persistently Video, Audio, Chat, Recording & Content sharing capabilities Up to 200 users per Teams meetings Important Notes Once you load the Collaboration space in your LMS course, you need to make your initial team or space in your course first. After you add the LMS course team within the LMS course, you can then go to the Webex Team application to collaborate. It does not work the other way around. Meaning, if you make a space within the WebEx Teams application, it will not be reflected in your LMS course/instance. Setup spaces within the LMS, then move to the dedicated application on your device. Watch this video to see Classroom Collaboration in use within a course and within the app
Production & Video Services, MMS.CIO, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institutue
3/25/2020 4:46:19 PM

LMS WebEx Tools - How to use Office hours
This training module covers the office hours tool within LMS Blackboard. Office hours is a simple way to provide a calendar of availability to your students outside of scheduled lectures. You simply provide open timeslots that students can book to meet with you. When a student clicks a slot, they can add details on what they want to talk about and once a slot has been booked, it will show as booked to anyone else.The meeting will appear in your upcoming meetings tab, and you’ll also get a hand email with the meeting link and joining information. How to enable Office Hours in LMS 1. Access the WebEx tools module in LMS 2. Select the Setup Tab 3. In the Choose your features section, select Office Hours and click Apply 4. Select the Office Hours tab at the top of the page to begin using the feature Schedule office hours You can schedule and host office hours using the Webex Education Connector. The dates and times are available under the Office Hours tab. You can select a time where your students can meet with you. 1.Set the meeting duration. Go to the drop-down under Availability and select 15 mins increments, 30 mins increments, 45 mins increments, or 60 mins increments. 2.Set the appointment buffer. Go to the drop-down under Block Off Extra Time and select 15 mins before & after, 30 mins before & after, 45 mins before & after, or No buffer. An appointment buffer is there in case meetings run over or you need breaks between meetings. 3.Select the days of the week and the times you want to host office hours. The blocks of time are then highlighted. 4.Scroll down and select Save. 5.Your students can then select a time to meet with you. You get an email with the meeting link and see the meeting in your Upcoming Meetings list. When a student selects a time to attend office hours, that appointment isn't available to anyone else. How to use WebEx Office hours tutorial video available here :
Production & Video Services, MMS.CIO, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institutue
4/1/2020 4:46:19 PM

LMS WebEx Tools - How to use Virtual Meetings
This training module covers the Virtual meetings tool within LMS Blackboard. You can schedule a recurring or one-time meeting with your students or other instructors. 1 .Select + New Meeting. 2 .Choose Meeting, Training, or Event. 3.Enter a descriptive Name for the meeting. 4.Select the Meeting Date, Duration, and Recurrence. 5.Select Create Meeting. After you create a meeting, it will show up in your Upcoming tab. You can view, start, edit, or delete a meeting from there. After you've hosted a meeting, you can view your past meetings and any recordings in the Past Meetings tab.
Production & Video Services, MMS.CIO, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institutue
3/27/2020 4:46:19 PM

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
3/26/2020 3:59:41 PM

Troubleshooting common LMS/Webex errors
This video will explain troubleshooting common LMS/Webex errors. The errors covered include Problem loading LMS/Webex LTI, Classroom Collaboration failing to load, Authorization errors for Virtual Meetings and Office hours. Are you getting an error when trying to schedule office hours or a virtual meeting? Authorize Cisco Webex Education Connector with your LMS by going to the Setup tab and clicking Authorize. If you're having problems with your Virtual Meetings, log out of Webex within the Webex Education Connector and then log back in. To log out, click Log out of Webex in the upper-right corner of the Webex Education Connector. For more information visit the Webex Education Connector FAQ Link included in the presentation.
MultiMedia Services, A Division of the Chief Information Officer; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
3/8/2021 6:50:31 PM

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