Troubleshooting common LMS/Webex errors
This video will explain troubleshooting common LMS/Webex errors. The errors covered include Problem loading LMS/Webex LTI, Classroom Collaboration failing to load, Authorization errors for Virtual Meetings and Office hours. Are you getting an error when trying to schedule office hours or a virtual meeting? Authorize Cisco Webex Education Connector with your LMS by going to the Setup tab and clicking Authorize. If you're having problems with your Virtual Meetings, log out of Webex within the Webex Education Connector and then log back in. To log out, click Log out of Webex in the upper-right corner of the Webex Education Connector. For more information visit the Webex Education Connector FAQ Link included in the presentation.
MultiMedia Services, A Division of the Chief Information Officer; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
3/8/2021 6:50:31 PM

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