LMS WebEx Tools - How to use Office hours
This training module covers the office hours tool within LMS Blackboard. Office hours is a simple way to provide a calendar of availability to your students outside of scheduled lectures. You simply provide open timeslots that students can book to meet with you. When a student clicks a slot, they can add details on what they want to talk about and once a slot has been booked, it will show as booked to anyone else.The meeting will appear in your upcoming meetings tab, and you’ll also get a hand email with the meeting link and joining information. How to enable Office Hours in LMS 1. Access the WebEx tools module in LMS 2. Select the Setup Tab 3. In the Choose your features section, select Office Hours and click Apply 4. Select the Office Hours tab at the top of the page to begin using the feature Schedule office hours You can schedule and host office hours using the Webex Education Connector. The dates and times are available under the Office Hours tab. You can select a time where your students can meet with you. 1.Set the meeting duration. Go to the drop-down under Availability and select 15 mins increments, 30 mins increments, 45 mins increments, or 60 mins increments. 2.Set the appointment buffer. Go to the drop-down under Block Off Extra Time and select 15 mins before & after, 30 mins before & after, 45 mins before & after, or No buffer. An appointment buffer is there in case meetings run over or you need breaks between meetings. 3.Select the days of the week and the times you want to host office hours. The blocks of time are then highlighted. 4.Scroll down and select Save. 5.Your students can then select a time to meet with you. You get an email with the meeting link and see the meeting in your Upcoming Meetings list. When a student selects a time to attend office hours, that appointment isn't available to anyone else. How to use WebEx Office hours tutorial video available here : https://mediasite.mms.rpi.edu/Mediasite5/Play/9d4c85b51c5d482c97ad2873b57c634e1d
Production & Video Services, MMS.CIO, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institutue
4/1/2020 4:46:19 PM

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